Welcome to Axel Wolter’s osteopathy practice,
located in Aix-en-Provence, in the centre of the village of Les Milles
You have heard about osteopathy and its benefits, you wonder what it can bring you.
Osteopathy is a gentle manual therapeutic approach based on a global view of the structure of the human body.
The osteopath exercises manual manipulations and uses specific techniques to restore the body to mobility and to relieve tensions and pain.
« When all the systems of the body are well-ordered, health prevails. »
Andrew Taylor Still
Procedure of an osteopathy consultation:
A session lasts between 45 minutes and 1 hour, depending on the reason.
It all starts with an interview between the patient and the practitioner, to better understand the origin of the problem, and to consult additional examinations (medical imaging).
Then comes the stage of differential diagnosis, clinical and palpatory, which allows to analyze the different dysfunctions that can be the origin of the pain, but also to know the nature of it and to decide if the intervention of the osteopath is appropriate.
Once the blocking points have been identified, the practitioner begins the osteopathic treatment phase, which consists of restoring joint, muscle, visceral and fascial mobility.
Make sure you have a comfortable outfit.
Rates and refunds:
Adults: €60 – Children up to 10 years: €50 – At home: €70
Today, most mutuals take on a certain amount or a number of consultations per year. Please contact your mutual for more information about your contract.
You will find here the list of the main mutuals in France:
You have a question …leave a message or call me at +33 (0)6 31 48 75 88